Presidential Campaign Updates for July 12, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Radio Host Earl Ingram and Apology for Biden Campaign Edits

Milwaukee Radio Host Apologizes for Editing Biden Interview

Milwaukee radio host Earl Ingram issued an apology on Friday for agreeing to a request from the Biden campaign to make edits to an interview he conducted with the president earlier this month. In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett, Ingram expressed regret over his decision and stated that if given the chance to do it again, he would have declined the campaign’s request.

When asked if he felt pressured by the campaign, Ingram admitted to feeling flattered by the opportunity to interview the president, describing it as a chance to speak with the “most powerful man in the world.” However, he acknowledged that he made a mistake by agreeing to the edits and emphasized the importance of learning from the experience.

Ingram revealed that he used four out of five questions provided by the campaign during the interview, which primarily focused on issues affecting the Black community. The edited clips of the interview, released by Wisconsin-based radio network Civic Media, included Biden’s statement about having more Black individuals in his administration than any other president.

Despite the controversy surrounding the edited interview, Ingram defended President Biden’s efforts to address racial disparities in the country. He emphasized that Biden’s intentions were genuine and that the president’s commitment to addressing these issues should be recognized.

Moving forward, Ingram stated that measures have been put in place to prevent similar situations from occurring in the future. He expressed his hope to never repeat the mistake of agreeing to edit an interview with a political figure and emphasized the importance of maintaining journalistic integrity in all interactions with public figures.

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