Latest Update on Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Putin’s forces face setbacks in Kharkiv, Zelensky offers peace talks if Moscow withdraws

Zelensky accuses China of undermining Ukraine peace summit

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has taken a new turn as Ukrainian troops continue to resist Russian advances in Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city. Reports indicate that Russia is facing significant losses, with only 12 out of 100 soldiers surviving a recent attack by Ukrainian forces in Vovchansk city.

One soldier, Anton Andreev, described the brutal conditions faced by Russian troops, stating that they are being sent into battle like “meat” under heavy fire and drone attacks. The high attrition rate has forced Russia to withdraw its troops from the Kharkiv frontline.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has expressed willingness to engage in peace talks with Russia if they withdraw from all Ukrainian territories. Zelensky emphasized that Russia’s participation in negotiations would demonstrate a genuine commitment to peace.

The situation in Ukraine remains tense, with heavy fighting reported in Vovchansk as Ukrainian soldiers work to isolate and push back Russian forces. Despite the challenges, Ukrainian military officials maintain that the situation is “difficult but controlled.”

As the conflict escalates, the international community is closely monitoring the developments in Ukraine. The recent peace summit in Switzerland saw nearly 80 countries backing Ukraine’s territorial integrity as a key component of any peace agreement. The absence of Russia at the summit underscores the complex dynamics at play in the region.

The world waits to see how the situation in Ukraine will unfold and whether diplomatic efforts can lead to a resolution that brings peace to the war-torn region.

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