Biden’s Team Gave Interview Questions in Advance for Radio Appearances

President Biden’s Radio Interview Questions Provided in Advance by Campaign Team, Host Reveals

President Biden faced scrutiny this week after it was revealed that questions asked of him during two radio interviews were provided in advance by members of his team. The hosts of the interviews, Andrea Lawful-Sanders and Earl Ingram, both confirmed that they were given a list of questions to choose from before their interviews with the president.

Lawful-Sanders, the host of “The Source” on WURD in Philadelphia, stated that she received a list of eight questions from Biden officials and approved four of them for the interview. While Biden campaign spokeswoman Lauren Hitt clarified that it was campaign aides, not White House officials, who provided the questions, she emphasized that hosts are free to ask any questions they see fit.

Despite the preapproved questions, President Biden still stumbled over some of his responses during the interviews. In one instance, he mistakenly claimed to have been “the first Black woman to serve with a Black president.” Additionally, his response to a question about the importance of voting was described as halting and confusing.

The revelation that questions were provided in advance raised concerns among journalists and critics, who view the practice as inappropriate and potentially misleading. Victor Blackwell, host of “First of All” on CNN, expressed surprise at the news and questioned how it aligns with efforts to demonstrate the president’s mental acuity.

As the story unfolds, it raises questions about transparency and authenticity in political interviews, and how they may impact public perception of the president’s abilities and credibility.

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