Bernie Sanders urges Democrats to unite in 2024 election: Live updates

Biden’s Heated Call with New Democrat Coalition Members: Source

The tension within the Democratic party reached a boiling point as President Biden engaged in a heated conversation with the New Democrat Coalition, a group of center-left congressional Democrats. According to a source familiar with the call, Biden became visibly angry, even yelling at Rep. Jason Crow of Colorado before abruptly ending the call.

“It was bad,” one member of the coalition said, expressing frustration over the lack of a clear plan moving forward. When pressed on how he planned to turn his campaign around, Biden reportedly focused on listing policy achievements and defending his polling numbers.

The call ended before Rep. Mike Quigley, who has called for Biden to step aside from his campaign, could ask a question. This incident comes on the heels of Biden’s meeting with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, where discussions were described as “productive and engaging” by caucus chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal.

Meanwhile, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders issued a strong show of support for Biden in a guest essay published in the New York Times. Despite acknowledging differences with the president, Sanders urged Democrats to rally behind Biden and focus on defeating Trump in the upcoming election.

In a contrasting show of support, Michigan Democrats Rep. Haley Stevens and Rep. Shri Thanedar voiced their unwavering support for Biden following a rally in Detroit. Stevens praised Biden as the only candidate capable of defeating Trump, while Thanedar commended the president for delivering a powerful speech.

The dynamics within the Democratic party continue to evolve as the 2024 election campaign heats up, with tensions and allegiances being tested in the race for the White House.

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