Election education arrives at UOG | News

Preparing Guam’s Poll Workers for a Smooth Election: A Classroom Approach

Title: Guam Election Commission partners with University of Guam to train future poll workers

In preparation for the upcoming election on Nov. 5, Guam Election Commission Executive Director Maria Pangelinan has teamed up with the University of Guam to train a new generation of poll workers.

With a grant of $66,000 from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, Pangelinan has developed a curriculum and organized a classroom of 48 students from the University of Guam’s School of Business and Public Administration. These students will serve as precinct officials at Guam’s 22 polling sites, ensuring a smooth and fair voting process for tens of thousands of registered voters.

The class, known as PA308, has become a valuable learning opportunity for the students. Not only do they learn about the standard operating procedures at the polls and Guam’s statutory code, but they also gain hands-on experience in handling various scenarios that may arise during the election.

One student, Aleyah Carranza, expressed her gratitude for the class, stating that she didn’t know much about elections before taking it. Another student, Rosalia Cruz, who will be voting for the first time, credited the class for teaching her how to vote and inspiring her to work at the election.

Pangelinan emphasized the importance of the students’ role as poll workers, stating, “We are here to protect and preserve the sanctity of the election.” With the increased pay and scope of work required for poll workers, she hopes to create a dedicated team of officials who will return for future elections.

Overall, the partnership between the Guam Election Commission and the University of Guam is not only providing valuable training for future poll workers but also raising awareness about the importance of participating in the electoral process.

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